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How To Address Extra Skin Following Gynecomastia Treatment

Relief and euphoria are common feelings for men who choose to have gynecomastia (enlarged male breast) surgery. But the battle against the effects of the condition doesn't stop when the extra glandular tissue and fat are removed. Unfortunately, gynecomastia procedures often leave loose, sagging skin (skin laxity) in their wake, and further steps must be taken in order for a patient to achieve their cosmetic goals.

The Role of Skin Elasticity

After Male breast reduction treatment, many men are left staring at sagging extra skin in the mirror. The long term presence of extra breast tissue caused the patient’s skin to physically stretch out. In many cases, the body naturally tightens the skin back up over time.

But the process isn’t the same for everyone. Age, personal skin elasticity and the duration of gynecomastia symptoms all combine to determine the body’s response to loose skin. Younger men with very elastic skin usually experience significant skin retraction and tightening. But older men and people who suffered from gynecomastia for many years tend to get stuck with saggy skin. For these people, cosmetic options are commonly the best chance they have to achieve the chiseled chest look they desire.

Getting To Know Skin-Tightening Procedures

For patients with severe skin laxity following Awake liposuction gynecomastia treatment, skin tightening procedures are a quality option. These procedures yield smoother, more muscular-looking chests by removing or tightening leftover skin.

Skin excision and skin reduction are two of the most popular skin tightening techniques. Surgeons work to place the nipple-areola complex in an aesthetically pleasing area while removing superfluous, sagging skin. This approach is best for patients who have experienced significant weight loss, long term gynecomastia and are suffering from severe skin laxity.

There are also a variety of non-surgical skin tightening treatments that some patients may prefer. Some of the methods are:

Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening: RF skin tightening uses radio waves to heat deep skin layers, encouraging the production of collagen and tightening the skin.
Ultrasound Skin Tightening: Similar to RF tightening, this method uses ultrasonic waves to heat the skin's deeper layers, causing the skin to tighten and produce collagen.
Laser Skin Tightening: This method uses lasers to heat the dermis (deep skin tissue layer), leading to collagen remodeling and skin tightening.
Chemical Peels: High quality chemical peels can tighten and refine skin by promoting collagen production.
Non-surgical treatments: Non-surgical treatments have the potential to worsen the problem, and may not be the solution in cases of severe skin laxity.

Making the Right Choice

- After a Male breast reduction procedure the decision to pursue skin tightening is personal and all patients should take the time to talk to their cosmetic surgeon about the options. An experienced surgeon will assess the quality, elasticity, and degree of skin laxity during your consultation.

- Some situations will lead to your surgeon opting for a phased strategy, where skin tightening happens some time after your gynecomastia procedure. This approach allows your body the time it needs to heal and also gives you a chance to assess how the skin has naturally responded.

- Whatever technique is utilized, it is important to remember that these procedures can realistically cause some scarring. A majority of patients find that the gain in confidence from better body contouring far outweighs any scarring issues they may have experienced.

Living at a New Level of Confidence

Many men who have undergone gynecomastia procedures and skin tightening describe it as a life-changing event. The increase in confidence and self esteem they experience, never mind the disappearance of their physical discomfort and pain, is often difficult for them to put into words. The first step on that path is selecting a quality surgeon with experience working with gynecomastia patients. A talented fat transfer doctor’s knowledge and experience will yield breathtaking body changes for most people suffering from this condition. Having a toned, masculine chest is a serious confidence booster for people who have been ashamed or insecure about their appearance. The ability to access this newfound self esteem is in your hands, thanks to the advancements in this field of treatment.

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