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Understanding Gynecomastia: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

Male boobs, also known as gynecomastia, could be due to hormone imbalance or a sign of something more serious. We'll review the warning indicators so you can identify the condition early on—the treatment choices available might vary depending on the situation.

Introduction to Gynecomastia

While rarely severe in terms of health, gynecomastia can cause significant social and psychological distress related to body image. The imbalance in estrogen and testosterone is the cause of the abnormal tissue growth. The symptoms range from swelling and mild pain to conspicuously large breasts. While reversible in some cases with hormone therapy and lifestyle changes, others require surgery to remove excess glandular tissue for symptom relief.

Leading Causes of Gynecomastia or Male boob

1. Hormonal Imbalances

Up to 70% of men experience the development of breast tissue throughout puberty due to pubertal gynecomastia. Elevated estrogen and erratic testosterone levels are the root causes of this hormone imbalance. Nonetheless, this adolescent breast growth often disappears in six months to two years as the body adjusts hormone levels. Similarly, aging adult men experience dropping testosterone while estrogen remains static or rises, resulting in hormone imbalance and sometimes gynecomastia later in life.

2. Medications and Substances

Up to 50% of cases of anabolic steroid usage are associated with hormonal side effects like gynecomastia and entail the use of androgenic steroids. The hormone balance is adversely affected by the excess synthetic testosterone, which frequently results in estrogen surges that promote the growth of breast tissue. Additionally, anti-androgen drugs used mainly in prostate cancer treatment can also allow higher estrogen-to-testosterone ratios by impeding androgen production or blocking their receptor sites.

3. Health Conditions

As in the case of end-stage liver disease or cirrhosis, severe liver failure can modify the way hormones are cleared from the body and generate an imbalance that favors estrogen, which accounts for up to 10% of cases of gynecomastia. Poor metabolism and production of kidney hormones associated with end-stage renal disease cause a growth in estrogen levels, resulting in breast tissue growth.

Symptoms and Signs of Gynecomastia

● The growth and expansion of breast tissue is the main sign of gynecomastia in men. This extra tissue frequently appears as a firm, thick lump below the nipple and areola.

● The amount of enlargement ranges from mild to severe. The breast looks noticeably larger in moderate or severe cases, similar to a female breast.

● Additional common indications of breast tissue enlargement include swollen or puffy nipples, heightened sensitivity in the breast area, and feelings of soreness or pain. Some also experience fluid leakage or discharge from one or both breasts.

● While gynecomastia often affects both breasts, it can occasionally develop asymmetrically, leading to noticeable differences in size between the breasts.

● As the condition progresses, the areola region may widen and appear more feminized. Psychological symptoms may also occur in some males as a result of excess breast tissue, including anxiety, embarrassment, and self-consciousness.

Treatment of Gynecomastia


● Doctors recommend liposuction to remove the additional fat if your larger male breasts are primarily the result of excess fat rather than gland tissue.

● Through tiny incisions made around the nipple region, fat deposits are removed during this minimally invasive surgery.

● At Aesthetic and Cosmetic surgeons, we can VASER melt the fatty tissue with a very thin probe under local anesthetic and with very minor stealth incision remove the glandular tissue.

● After the process, a more masculine, flatter form will be achieved for your chest. Though some transient bruising, swelling, or pain can occur, you'll immediately notice improvements. The scars from the minor cuts will fade over time.

● Recovery is quicker than more invasive surgery. Liposuction is a helpful method for addressing gynecomastia caused by excess fat. It enables you to decrease breast size and enhance chest shape.


There are effective gynecomastia treatments available that can restore your confidence and comfort. Consult with an expert cosmetic surgeon, as they can properly evaluate whether your case is caused by excess gland tissue, fat, or both. Treatments like liposuction can sculpt and contour your chest, permanently reducing breast size for a masculine physique. Although it may seem embarrassing, know that gynecomastia is common. If you are seeking a professional care aesthetic and cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles, you can find the right Male Breast Reduction treatment plan to reduce breast enlargement and improve your self-image. Don't let gynecomastia impact your life any longer - take control by pursuing the customized treatment you deserve.

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