Chin Liposuction
Neck Skin Tightening

Cosmetic surgery is a rapidly evolving field, and patients are always on the lookout for new ways to give their looks a boost or fight off ageing. One outstanding procedure that is rising in popularity is VASER Double Chin Liposuction and Skin Tightening with J-Plasma Renuvion Dr Jain of Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgeons in Woodland Hills, California, performs this procedure awake, without general anaesthesia.

Awake VASER Double Chin liposuction is a fantastic option for people struggling to lose a double chin. VASER is more effective at removing fat than conventional liposuction. The system uses ultrasonic waves to precisely target and dissolve excess fat, yielding stunning results. This method of submental liposuction is significantly less invasive, meaning that it is substantially less painful for patients, and they experience much quicker recoveries. VASER Liposuction is also very flexible, producing a crescent-like margin, and leaving behind considerably less bruising and swelling after surgery.

Skin Tightening Renuvion Dr. Jain

Our positioning as a private, boutique practice allows Dr. Jain to customize procedures to each patient’s specific needs and desires. Every patient’s case is different. While some patients’ primary issue is submental fat (that stubborn double chin or neck fat), others are mainly struggling with loose neck skin. Some patients struggle with both problems. We offer Renuvion Skin Tightening to help these patients achieve their goals.

Renuvion is an FDA-approved J-Plasma treatment for Skin Tightening. The procedure, sometimes referred to as J-Plasty, combines the effects of helium plasma with radiofrequency energy to tighten loose skin. Sagging Skin occurs because the skin loses elasticity and flattens as we grow older. The two-phased massaging action of a Renuvion Procedure results in the formation of vectors that manufacture collagen, firming the skin and boosting elasticity.

Skin Tightening Renuvion Dr. Jain
Cosmetic Surgery Innovations

Cosmetic Surgery Innovations

The modern cosmetic surgery marketplace demands striking, personal, natural-looking results. VASER Liposuction and Renuvion Skin Tightening fit beautifully within that framework. The liposuction procedure removes unwanted fat, and the J-Plasma’s effect highlights the contour of the jaw and neck. It leaves behind an elegant, polished look, but also a realistic one. Our patients who undergo this dual procedure often report an increase in confidence afterwards.

Minimally Invasive Facial Sculpting

From the consultation stage through the recuperation process, we prioritize patient comfort. Awake Chin Liposuction with Vaser and Skin Tightening with Renuvion is a high-tech, low-impact way to achieve massive improvements to your appearance. Our office protocols are also catered to maximize patient satisfaction while eliminating headaches.

At your office consultation, we write a thorough summary detailing the patient’s care plan. Dr. Jain understands that everybody and every dream body is different. He devises each VASER Liposuction procedure to the result that his patient is seeking, whether it be a substantially defined jawline or a subtly younger neck. This level of personalization is another way that we ensure we don’t cause a patient any more discomfort than their goals mandate on the day of the procedure.

Minimally Invasive Facial Sculpting
A Cosmetic Surgeon With An Eye On The Aesthetic

A Cosmetic Surgeon With An Eye On The Aesthetic

The other main purpose of an initial consultation with Dr. Jain, besides educating patients about the benefits of VASER Liposuction and Renuvion Skin Tightening is to help them set a realistic expectation for their results. This portion of the conversation is critical in helping patients decide which procedures to undergo.

While Dr Jain is an expert in VASER liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening, our practice’s approach to cosmetic surgery includes a combination of modern surgical technology and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures that incorporate the principles of art into facial aesthetics along with the top available scientific techniques. Our methodology centres around naturally enhancing the appearance of a patient. We strive to ensure that their beauty is not lost or altered, but enhanced, which is why we deliver some of the best results of any clinic in California.


Applying advanced technology to common cosmetic procedures is our approach to helping patients improve their appearance in the Instagram era. Dr Jain’s clinic in Woodland Hills is part of the wave of evolution merging art and science in the pursuit of ideal facial aesthetics. Vaser and Renuvion are the tools that begin the total transformation of a patient into a new, confident version of them-self. Start your journey of self-discovery and actualization today!


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