Awake Liposuction

We offer awake Liposuction at our location because we realize that, for many individuals, undergoing Liposuction in the OR under general anesthesia is not an option; they would avoid its associated risks. For others, the financial challenge of the OR exceeds their budget.

A liposuction is an effective way to remove stubborn fat and start getting into shape. Common areas from where Liposuction can remove fat are the abdomen, flanks, chin, arms, back, bra roll, bra bulges, and inner thighs. If you want to learn more about our awake Liposuction with or without fat transfer options, we welcome you to contact aesthetic and cosmetic surgeons today!

Awake Liposuction Procedure

At Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgeons, we use awake or local anesthetic techniques whenever possible to benefit our patients. During your initial consultation with Dr. Jain, he will discuss all aspects of the procedure, and whether awake Liposuction is viable for you. Depending on your health and the complexity of the procedure you elect, it may be possible to perform your Liposuction utilizing a local anesthetic. This is called the tumescent technique, which uses infiltration of the subcutaneous tissue in a uniform distribution of fluid in superficial, medium, and deep layers of fat.

With awake Liposuction, the treatment area is first anesthetized; at this point, Dr. Jain begins the Liposuction procedure with you in an alert and cognizant state. Thanks to local anesthesia, you will not feel pain, touch, or temperature in the affected area but will still be able to communicate with the doctor and possess a feeling of control. Our patients who have undergone awake Liposuction have had positive reactions due partly to this feeling of involvement in the surgical process.

The benefits of local anesthesia over general anesthesia are many:

  • The effects of local anesthetic last several hours after the surgery, providing valuable pain relief.

  • Local anesthetic is associated with less blood loss and less post-surgery bruising.

  • Local anesthesia typically results in faster patient recovery with less discomfort (nausea, for example).

  • The patient is awake during her procedure and thus can be a part of the process.

  • The overall cost of the procedure remains far lower than under general anesthesia.

Subsequently, we use a fourth-generation ultrasonic-assisted liposuction technology that uses vibration amplification of pulsed low-power sound energy at resonance using small-diameter titanium probes with groves near the tip to increase fat fragmentation efficiently by redistributing energy.

After, the emulsification cannulas are employed in a low vacuum pressure setting to remove the fat. Fat is uniformly extracted from deep and medium layers; the attention is focused on the aesthetic areas and expectations of the patient. Subsequently, superficial Liposuction is accomplished until the endpoint. Dr. Jain may use additional energy-based devices to tighten the skin. Thus making awake Liposuction a safe and effective procedure.

Awake Liposuction with 4D technology treats male and female breasts, face, neck, trunk, abdomen, inner thighs, and back and combines with body contouring procedures. There is less bruising, sensitivity, and better skin draping when compared to laser liposuction.

We recommend wearing compression garments in the first week except when showering and during the daytime, subsequently for the next five weeks, combined with watching diet, exercise, and lymphatic massages for good results.

Awake Liposuction Procedure
Contact Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgeons

Contact Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgeons

We proudly serve Southern California at Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgeons for our patients' convenience. If you want to learn more about awake Liposuction or are interested in fat transfer with Dr. Jain, please get in touch with our office today. We are dedicated to patient care and would happily speak with you.


Awake Liposuction is an effective method for debulking stubborn fat in common areas like the abdomen, flanks, chin, arms, back, and thighs.

A good candidate must have a BMI of 32 or lower for Awake Liposuction.

Awake Liposuction is performed under local anesthesia, and patients remain awake. Oral pain and anti-anxiety medication are occasionally given as well.

The practice will charge you a fee of $1000 if you cancel your procedure within 24 hours of scheduled time and date.

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