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Male Breast Reduction: A Step By Step Guide To The Procedure

Feeling embarrassed about enlarged male breasts, sometimes referred to as "man boobs"? Many men share this frustration.

Up to 70% of men may experience gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue, at some point in their lives; this is typically around adolescence or middle age. It is understandable if this undermines your self-esteem and makes you want to hide from pools and beaches. But don't give up—there is a way out!

Male breast reduction can offer you a more chiseled, male appearance by flattening your chest. Your contour will become firmer and more chiseled after this quick outpatient surgery removes extra fat, glandular tissue, and loose skin.

What Causes Male Breast Development?

Male breast growth is medically known as gynecomastia. It is frequently brought on by an imbalance in the body's estrogen and testosterone levels. Over time, breast tissue might accumulate due to chronically excessive estrogen and insufficient testosterone, requiring medical intervention. Excess body fat can also increase estrogen and cause breast enlargement in men. Certain health conditions like liver or kidney failure that alter hormone levels may play a role, too.

Additionally, side effects from particular medications can sometimes trigger gynecomastia - including heart medications, antidepressants, and anabolic steroids. Mild cases may be improved through lifestyle adjustments to diet, exercise, and reducing body fat. But more significant breast enlargement generally needs medical treatment to correct the hormonal imbalance or surgically remove the excess tissue.

The Liposuction Procedure Step-by-Step

1. Preparation and anesthesia

The region to be liposuctioned is marked, and the patient is given local anesthesia. Additionally, they receive medication to help their muscles relax. This allows the process to be finished with minimal discomfort.

2. The surgeon makes small incisions

After cleaning and preparing the skin, the surgeon makes tiny incisions surrounding the treatment location. These incisions are sometimes concealed by naturally occurring shapes like the areola. These skin incisions facilitate a smooth cannula insertion beneath the skin. Usually, they are not more than a quarter of an inch to reduce scarring.

3. A cannula inserted to break up and suction out excess fat tissue

The surgeon makes incisions and puts a vacuum-equipped stainless steel cannula through them. The extra fat deposits are broken up and released by moving the cannula back and forth, and the liberated fluid and fat cells are suctioned out. This removes unwanted fat bulges and contours the area. Several incisions may be made to access treatment sites from different angles.

4. Incisions closed with sutures, compression garment applied

After removing the appropriate amount of extra fat and tissue, the surgeon removes the cannula from the treatment locations. The tiny incisions are sealed using surgical tape or stitches to close the holes created during the surgery. This helps minimize fluid build-up and ease discomfort during the recovery process.

Recovery and Results

● It is expected to have bruising, swelling, and some soreness around the chest area in the first one to two weeks following surgery as the area heals.

● Rest is encouraged, and patients should avoid strenuous exercise or activities that could raise blood pressure or heart rate. Light daily activities can typically be resumed the next day, while complete normal activities can often be resumed within a few days.

● It may take 3-6 months for the final results to become apparent. While some reshaping is noticeable early on as the swelling subsides, it can take several months for all residual swelling to fully resolve. Skin and tissues need time to heal and settle into the new contours.

● The chest will look smoother, more sculpted, and flatter when it heals. The manly chest contour is restored with the extra breast tissue removed and the remaining skin tightened. This can aid in regaining comfort with one's appearance and self-confidence in the chest.

● The degree of present gynecomastia determines the reduction that can be achieved. Therefore, it's critical to talk to the surgeon about reasonable expectations.


Gynecomastia, or oversized or overdeveloped breast tissue, in men can lead to low self-esteem and emotional misery. However, male breast reduction utilizing liposuction offers a more permanent way to restructure the chest into a more masculine form. This minimally invasive treatment removes excess glandular tissue and fat through small incisions, sculpting the area for a smoother profile. Although full recovery takes a few weeks, the long-term boost in confidence and comfort makes the treatment worthwhile for many patients. If you have been considering options for gynecomastia reduction, book an appointment with the Aesthetic and Cosmetic surgeon LA.

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