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10 Reasons You Should Get Liposuction To Address Male Breasts

Males who have too much breast tissue (gynecomastia) often experience self-consciousness, shame and depression related to the condition. Gynecomastia surgery can be life-changing for these patients. Male breast reduction uses liposuction fat transfer, glandular tissue, and skin from the breasts to contour a more traditional male chest shape. The decision to have any surgery is a personal one, but there are a lot of good reasons to consider gynecomastia surgery.


1. More Self-Confidence and Improved Body Image

It is hard to overstate how important confidence is in life. Constant jokes about “man boobs” in the media and in private life can leave gynecomastia patients feeling embarrassed, anxious and depressed. Surgery has the potential to wipe out these negative feelings, and replace them with a renewed sense of self worth. Most psychological burdens do not come with tangible, complete solutions. This one does. The surgery eliminates the source of shame, and transforms it into a source of price.

2. More Physical Comfort

Gynecomastia isn’t only uncomfortable mentally. Chafing, back and shoulder pain, and other issues often stem from the excess weight and size of the chest. Removing this extra tissue addresses these symptoms while allowing better mobility.

3. Look Better In Your Clothes

Finding shirts that flatter men with gynecomastia is an ordeal. Awkward-fitting shirts and unseemly bulging are common sources of frustration and embarrassment for men with gynecomastia. After surgery, patients shop and live in a world with significantly more flattering fashion options.

4. More Confidence In The Bedroom

Anxiety in the bedroom is not sexy. The insecurities we carry can lead to performance issues, avoidance of intimacy and a variety of other undesirable situations. Improved confidence in your body means improved confidence in bed for most people.

5. Longterm Results

Most non-surgical treatments for gynecomastia are temporary. As long as patients take good care of themselves after surgery, patients take a flatter, more defined chest home with them for the long haul.

6. Improved Health and Wellness

We’ve already discussed a lot of the psychological benefits of gynecomastia surgery and body contouring. But as we continue to understand the way our bodies work, the mental/physical health connection only grows in importance. Less depression and anxiety means better overall health.

7. Minimally Invasive Procedures

When most people think of liposuction, they envision an intensive surgery. But due to advancements in the field, gynecomastia surgery is now a minimally invasive procedure. Awake high-definition Liposuction with VASER doesn’t even require a patient to go under general anesthesia. VASER leaves minimal scarring, returns the vast majority of patients to work within a few days and generally shows significant results at the end of one month.

8. Available Expert Surgeons

Picking the right practice to get this surgery done is crucial. Fortunately, there are quality board-certified cosmetic surgeon for Male Breast Reduction in Los Angeles with experience doing gynecomastia surgery throughout the United States. Expert surgeons build tailored approaches around each patient's particular needs, ensuring the best results.

9. Affordable Financing

Cosmetic surgery has long been popular with the wealthy, and the price tags on a lot of procedures are non-starters for a lot of people. Location, reputation and the complexity of a surgery can all lead to elevated cost. But many doctors offer reasonable financing options that have made the procedure accessible to more people.

10. A Better Life

Better mental and physical health are mile markers on the road to a better life. Being perceived as more attractive and confident comes with a wide array of benefits. Something as simple as gynecomastia surgery can wildly improve a life.

Start Your Male Breast Reduction Journey Today

At Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgeons, we have the best gynecomastia surgeons in Los Angeles. Our very skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeons are experts in male breast reduction. They provide excellent care and natural-looking results. Deciding to get gynecomastia surgery is a personal choice that you should think about carefully. But for men who have struggled with the physical and emotional effects of enlarged breasts, this surgery can greatly improve life. We will guide you through the process and help you decide if this surgery is right for you. Don't let gynecomastia hold you back any more! Book your consultation with us today.

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