Liposuction and Fat transfer is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgery that enhances your face, lips, breasts, buttocks, and other body parts using your fat. A fat transfer procedure can make you look plumper and younger. Fat transfer is another reconstructive surgical technique.
Fat transfer involves the Liposuction of fat from unwanted areas like the abdomen, flanks, inner thighs, bra bulge, bra roll in the back, upper arms, and under the chin and transfers fat to the buttocks, face, hands, or breast. A cosmetic surgeon performs the procedure that gives contour and makes you look younger. Further, the results are semi-permanent, not entirely permanent, as the aging process continues; however, the fat loss due to aging does not show in these areas consistent with age.
One of the most popular aesthetic surgical procedures is liposuction. There are so many surgeries taking place for liposuction in Los Angeles. There are many celebrity fat transfer procedures for body contouring. This procedure primarily aims to contour the body. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes subcutaneous adipose tissue from anatomical sites using vacuum suction.
Liposuction fat transfer cosmetic surgery is widespread, and several people get it done. To remove fat from body parts, people choose liposuction. Liposuction can only target areas to harvest fat from; hence, it is more effective for localized fat loss than generalized weight loss.
If you wish to contour your body, reduce fat from one place, and add to another, then this is the process you can go for. One might want to do this to shape and contour their body.
Recovery from the liposuction operation is as quick as the procedure itself. You must take at least one week off your regular schedule to allow for complete healing.
Multiple bodily parts can have liposuction and be treated with fat transfer simultaneously with liposuction.
Recommended read: Do’s And Don’ts Of Facial Fat Transfer
1. The procedure is done under tumescent anesthesia. The patient is always awake, and the initial mild pain could be from needle pricks.
2. The surgeon marks the areas of the body pre-procedure for fat removal.
3. To reduce bleeding, bruising, and swelling, a combination of local anesthesia with medicine is done.
4. The fat cells can be broken up using a low-intensity laser pulse or high-frequency Ultrasound vibrations.
5. A suction cannula attached to a vacuum is inserted after making a tiny cut in the skin. Several cuts may be required if the area is extensive.
6. After the suction tube back and forth movement has drained any additional blood and fluids, the treated area is sutured, and compression wrap is applied.
7. Fat harvested is cleaned, purified, and strategically transferred to the desired location.
8. Following the procedure, the patient must wear compression garments for several weeks after the operation to help with fluid absorption and shaping.
9. Breast enhancement with fat transfer can achieve maximum enhancement of one cup size only.
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An initial consult and patient examination are essential to see if the patient is fit enough to conduct the procedure. The best results are seen in patients with a BMI less than 30. Maintaining a healthy weight will make the results long-lasting. The outcomes are best for people who watch diet and exercise regularly.
Fat transfer provides several advantages as you use your tissue rather than an implant. Patients undergoing liposuction may need to take antibiotics immediately after the treatment to reduce the risk of infection. Most patients also take mild painkillers to lessen any discomfort and swelling.
This fat transfer procedure is also semi-permanent, minus the normal aging process. You can enjoy your new contours for years if you maintain a healthy lifestyle following liposuction and fat transfer recovery. A skilled, experienced cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles can use fat transfer to give you a youthful, natural-looking appearance.
Liposuction removes fat from stubborn areas, and fat transfer is done where other regions have lost volume due to natural aging. For instance, fat can be transferred from the abdomen and flanks to the buttocks to give the buttocks, breasts, or face an attractive, youthful outline.
In most cases, patients recover quickly, so they are free to go home once the procedure is over, as it is a simple outpatient procedure and suits the patient’s needs.