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Kybella And LipoDissolve

The popular non-surgical treatments for targeting stubborn fat for body contouring are Kybella and Lipo-dissolve.

What is Kybella?

It is an FDA-approved injectable that targets and eliminates submental fat, commonly called a "double chin." Its generic name is deoxycholic acid, also known as Kybella. It's a synthesized version of an enzyme in the body that helps break down and absorb fat from foods. By injecting Kybella injections under the chin, it destroys fat cells, reducing the appearance of a double chin. The procedure offers a non-surgical alternative to traditional chin liposuction for individuals seeking a more defined jawline and improved facial profile.

What is LipoDissolve?

Another non-surgical fat reduction treatment is Lipo-dissolve, also known as Mesotherapy Treatment. Lipo-dissolve is different from Kybella in that it can be used to address localized fat pockets across multiple parts of the body. A phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholate, vitamin, and mineral solution is injected directly into fat cells as part of the treatment. In addition to breaking down fat cells, the solution allows the body to eliminate the dissolved fat through its normal metabolic processes gradually. Body contouring surgery with Lipo-dissolve is particularly effective for removing fat from the abdomens, thighs, love handles, and buttocks.

What is the Difference between Kybella and Lipo-dissolve:

Injection-based non-surgical fat reduction treatments such as Kybella and Lipo-dissolve have a few key differences:

Treatment Areas:

● Submental fat is specifically targeted and reduced with Kybella, focusing solely on the area under the chin.

● Alternatively, Lipo-dissolve can dissolve fat deposits in various parts of the body, making it suitable for various Kybella treatments.

Solution Composition:

● Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, which destroys submental fat cells directly.

● The Lipo-dissolve system breaks down fat cells by using a solution consisting of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate.

FDA Approval:

● Double chins can be treated with Kybella, an FDA-approved treatment for submental fat.

● The efficacy and safety of Lipo-dissolve may vary depending on the components of the solution.

Focus on Double Chin vs. Non-invasive body contouring:

● By improving the jawline and profile, Kybella addresses the appearance of a double chin.

● In terms of body contouring surgery and fat reduction, Lipo-dissolve targets multiple body areas.

Why Did We Switch From Kybella To Lipo-dissolve?

Treatment Area:

While Lipo-dissolve can be used for many body reshaping procedures, Kybella is specifically made to reduce submental fat (double chin). A person may choose Lipo-dissolve to target specific areas of fat if they used Kybella injections to treat their double chin initially but subsequently decide they also want to address fat in other body parts.

Desired Results:

Aesthetic objectives can vary from person to person. While Lipo-dissolve may be recommended for general Non-invasive body contouring, targeting several areas, including the belly, thighs, or love handles, Kybella may be appropriate for someone wishing to improve their chin profile.

Number of Treatments:

Depending on whether Kybella or Lipo-dissolve is used, different treatments may be necessary to get the desired outcomes. Some people might discover that they require repeated Kybella sessions to see results.

Treatment Experience:

Each person's reaction to a treatment will be unique. Some people might discover that Lipo-dissolve offers more significant outcomes or a more satisfying therapeutic experience than Kybella, or vice versa.

Cost factors:

To consider Some people may consider cost when deciding between therapies. Several sessions of Kybella for a double chin reduction might differ from the price of Lipo-dissolve for different body contouring treatment procedures.

Recommendation from the Practitioner:

The advice of a licensed healthcare provider or cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles may significantly influence the choice to switch therapies. They might recommend a different strategy based on a person's anatomy, the distribution of their fat, or other elements.

What To Expect After Kybella Treatment or Lipo-dissolve?

During the post-treatment period after Lipo-dissolve or Kybella treatment, specific everyday experiences can be expected. Even though individual results may vary, here are some general expectations following these non-surgical fat reduction procedures:

1. Swelling and Tenderness:

● Both Kybella and Lipo-dissolve treatments cause swelling and tenderness. There is a possibility that the injected area may appear slightly swollen and feel tender to the touch. After a few days, these symptoms should subside gradually due to the injections.

2. Bruising:

● Injection site bruising is also common after both treatments. There is a wide range of intensity, which may disappear within a week or two. Bruising can be minimized by avoiding blood-thinning medications before the procedure.

3. Redness and Sensitivity:

● Skin sensitivity and mild redness may occur in some patients after treatment. There should be no lasting effects from this reaction to the injections.

4. Numbness:

● Injections can temporarily cause numbness in the treated area due to nerve fiber disruption. As the body heals, the sensation usually returns to normal.

5. Gradual Results:

● Fat dissolved by Kybella and Lipo-dissolve is broken down and metabolized naturally by the body. After the procedure, patients can expect gradual improvement in the treated area over several weeks or months.

6. Multiple Sessions (Possibly):

● Multiple sessions may be recommended depending on the individual's goals and the treatment area. Patients must follow their practitioner's advice regarding the number of sessions required.

7. Quick Recovery:

● Kybella and Lipo-dissolve both have the advantage of minimal downtime. Although strenuous exercises and activities should be avoided for a short time after the procedure, many patients can resume their normal activities shortly after.

8. Maintenance and Follow-Up:

● The treatment results can be preserved by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. It may also be necessary to schedule follow-up appointments with the practitioner to monitor progress and address concerns.


There are some significant differences between Kybella and Lipo-dissolve, both non-surgical treatments that use injections to address fat. A double chin can be eliminated with Kybella, while lipo-dissolve is more versatile. To determine which treatment best suits one's aesthetic goals and concerns, consulting with a qualified healthcare professional or cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles is essential.

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