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Body Contouring: What It Is And How Does It Work?

Many people struggle to lose fatty areas of their bodies. No matter how much they work out or maintain a strict diet, these stubborn areas of body fat are difficult to remove. But this is where body sculpting can help. Let’s read all about body contouring.

What is Body Contouring?

Body Contouring, Body Sculpting, or Body remodeling is a non-surgical & minimally invasive treatment to remove/reduce packets of stubborn fatty tissues.

This non-surgical body sculpting has become one of the best ways among individuals to tighten skin, reduce fat and improve skin’s appearance. The treatment is generally done following dramatic weight loss, for example, after bariatric surgery or post-pregnancy changes to treat saggy or excess skin. However, it is not an effective weight loss solution; the treatment can help target specific body areas to contour and refine.

Several types of body contouring treatments depend on the patient’s requirements and desired results. An aesthetic & cosmetic surgeon can help determine the best body contouring treatment by booking a consultation.

Sculptra is an injectable dermal filler, a cosmetic procedure for treating age-related skin issues such as fine lines and deep wrinkles. This filler acts as a collagen stimulator that absorbs into the body a few days after treatment and encourages cells to produce more collagen. It uses an FDA-approved gel-like Poly-L-lactic acid to inject underneath the skin.

Where is Sculptra Injected?

A body contouring specialist will inject the Sculptra into areas of the body with fine lines and wrinkles to make them smoother. The most common areas of Sculptra injections include:

  • Buttocks
  • Hips

How Much Does Sculptra Cost?

The cost of Sculptra depends on various factors, including:

  • Amount of enhancing
  • Number of treatment visits required
  • Number of vials of Sculptra used
  • Discounts, etc.

How Does Sculptra Work?

A collagen stimulator, ie. Poly-L-lactic (PLLA) is injected into the treatment area to address the underlying cause of aging. It works with the body’s natural proteins and

gradually restores skin structure and volume to smooth out facial wrinkles and folds. Immediate results can be noticed, but it can take a few months to see the full effects of the treatment.

Procedure For Sculptra

During a consultation with the body contouring near me, the patient will be asked to provide a medical history to know about any medical conditions and allergies.

On the day of the Sculptra treatment, the doctor will map the injection sites on the skin and cleanse the area. After applying a topical anesthetic, the doctor will inject it into the skin using multiple small injections.

Sculptra - Are There Any Side Effects?

The patient may expect some swelling and bruising at the injection site. Other common side effects include:

  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Itching
  • Bumps

Kybella Body Contouring Treatment

Kybella is a non-surgical injection treatment used by aesthetic and cosmetic surgeons to reduce excess fat beneath the chin. The technique uses a series of deoxycholic acid injections that destroy fat cells presented below the chin. Here, no incisions are made, and the downtime is minimal in most cases.

Preparing For Kybella

The surgeon will discuss the medical history and other cosmetic procedures with the patient they have encountered on the face, neck, or chin. The patient must inform the healthcare provider about any swelling or bleeding issues.

How Does Kybella Work?

When a medical practitioner injects Kybella into the area of treatment, the deoxycholic acid kills fat cells, reducing the appearance of a double chin.

Deoxycholic acid is naturally produced by our body to absorb fat. In the Kybella treatment, a body contouring specialist uses a synthetic form in injections. Once injected, the acid destroys fat cells beneath the chin area.

Kybella - Risks and Side Effects

Though it is a non-surgical treatment, the patient may notice a few common side effects, including pain, swelling, bruising, redness, and numbness.The recovery is minimal in most cases, and downtime varies from person to person. Other side effects include:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Skin ulcer
  • Muscle weakness
  • Temporary nerve injury

Wrapping Up

At Aesthetic and Cosmetic Surgeons, we are helping our patients achieve their desired skin goals through individualized care and a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. Schedule an appointment to consult for any queries and avail a customized body contouring treatment in the target area.

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