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Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction And Fat Transfer For Breast And Gluteal Augmentation

Ultrasound assisted Liposuction and fat transfer for breast and gluteal augmentation is the number one cosmetic procedure.

The Liposuction Procedure:

Ultrasound assisted Liposuction is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that utilizes ultrasound technology to break down and remove excess fat from targeted body areas. The procedure begins with administering local anesthesia to the treatment areas where the fat is planned to be harvested.

Here is an overview of how 360 Lipo is used for breast and gluteal augmentation:

1. Preoperative Consultation:

Before the procedure, a thorough consultation with a cosmetic surgeon is essential. The surgeon for Awake Liposuction near me may even assess the patient's overall health, discuss the goals along with their expectations, and suggest some appropriate shapes and sizes for the breast.

2. Anesthesia:

The procedure for Affordable BBL near me typically starts with the administration of local tumescent anesthesia. The patient remains awake but comfortable throughout the procedure.

3. Small Incisions:

Small incisions, usually less than a centimeter in length, are made in areas where the fat is harvested; to insert thick pencil cannula to melt and suction the fat.

4. Ultrasound assisted Liposuction:

A small ultrasound probe cannula is inserted through the incisions to deliver ultrasonic energy, which selectively breaks down the fat cells while preserving surrounding tissues, nerves, and blood vessels. The liquefied fat is then suctioned out through a cannula.

5. Fat Purification:

The extracted fat is carefully purified to separate the healthy fat cells from saline and anesthetic medications. This refined fat is then prepared for grafting.

6. Fat Transfer for Breast or Gluteal augmentation:

After the fat removal, the cosmetic surgeon carefully transfers the fat strategically to achieve the desired volume and contour. The surgeon sculpts the buttocks to create a natural and attractive appearance. The amount of fat transfer depends on many factors and patient preferences,

7. Incision Closure:

Once Fat transfer for Breast enhancement or Kardashian BBL is achieved, the incisions are meticulously closed with sutures. Dressings and compression garments may be applied to support the healing process.

Benefits of Ultrasound assisted Awake liposuction for Breast and Gluteal Augmentation:

1. Natural-Looking Results: Ultrasound assisted Liposuction for breast and gluteal augmentation allows for precise sculpting, resulting in a more natural appearance than traditional implant-only procedures. Fat Transfer for Glutes ensures a softer, more authentic feel and contour.

2. Minimally Invasive: Ultrasound assisted Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, leading to shorter recovery times and reduced scarring compared to more invasive surgical methods.

3. Customizable: Patients can achieve personalized results tailored to their unique body shape and aesthetic preferences. The surgeon can adjust the amount of fat transferred to create the desired volume and shape.

4. Dual Benefit: Patients benefit from both fat reduction in donor areas and enhancement of the target areas by professional Cosmetic surgeons. This dual benefit enhances overall body proportions.

5. Lower Risk: Since the procedure involves autologous fat transfer (using the patient's fat), there is a lower risk of allergic reactions or complications associated with foreign implants.

6. Long-Lasting Results: The results of Ultrasound assisted Liposuction for breast and gluteal augmentation can be long-lasting with proper post-operative care. Fat cells that successfully integrate into their new locations can provide enduring volume and shape.

7. Reduced Downtime: Patients typically experience shorter downtime than traditional surgical methods, allowing them to return to daily activities more quickly.

Awake Liposuction under local anesthesia has several benefits over general anesthesia in the OR

  • The effects of local anesthetic last several hours after the surgery, providing valuable pain relief.
  • Local anesthetic is associated with less blood loss and less post-procedure bruising.
  • Local anesthesia typically results in faster patient recovery with less discomfort (nausea, for example).
  • The patient is awake during their procedure and thus can be a part of the process.
  • The overall cost of the procedure remains far lower than under general anesthesia.

Considerations and Limitations:

While Ultrasound assisted Liposuction and fat transfer for breast and gluteal augmentation offer numerous benefits, there are some considerations and limitations to keep in mind:

1. Suitability: Not all individuals are suitable candidates for these procedures. A patient's overall health, BMI, and aesthetic goals must align with the procedure. The surgeon will evaluate the patient during the consultation to determine their eligibility.

2. Realistic Expectations: Patients should have realistic expectations regarding the outcomes of these procedures. While Ultrasound assisted Awake liposuction done for Best BBL offer in Los Angeles can enhance contours, it may not provide the same dramatic results as expected.

3. Fat Survival: Not all transferred fat cells survive in their new location. Few might get absorbed by the body with time. Patients must even be aware of various touch-up processes that may be important to maintain the results.

4. Recovery: While the recovery period is generally shorter than with more procedures done under general anesthesia, patients should still expect some downtime and temporary discomfort afterward.


Ultrasound assisted Liposuction for breast and gluteal augmentation is a transformative cosmetic procedure that combines fat removal and autologous fat transfer to achieve natural-looking and personalized results.

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